Wow! We have been busy beavers! Over the past week, we have switched web hosting providers, added many new features and changed the “look and feel” of Blind Access Journal! Here’s exactly what we have done:

  • Switched to DreamHost for web hosting. I recommend this provider for accessibility, reliability and solid technical support. Full disclosure: Clicking this link to sign up with DreamHost provides me with a commission. Please consider supporting the work of Blind Access Journal!
  • Added the ability to follow me on Twitter. You may now have a glimpse into the less serious side of my life. Enjoy!
  • Changed Blogger hosting to use a Custom Domain to enable all the features available in Blogger.
  • Changed the e-mail address so that mail is now delivered to both Karen and myself. This site is a huge undertaking. Karen and I are both partners in Blind Access Journal! She will now receive all official correspondence. Please feel free to say “hi” to Karen.
  • Upgraded from the classic template to layouts so that new features and page elements can be quickly added. The only downfall is that a blind person is unable to use the drag-and-drop functionality to rearrange the elements. It is possible to use all other features of this template mode, so the benefits should vastly outweigh the drawbacks.
  • Added a list of links to favorite blogs and web sites.
  • Added links to the most recent articles from Darrell’s Accessibility, Electronic Communications and Technology news – Powered By Bloglines, quickly delivering the latest “interesting” content.
  • Added a separate feed enabling subscribers to follow comments made in response to all posts. Thanks to Jeff Bishop for keeping on me about this one. I know he’s a much happier man now!
  • Made minor changes to the way blog archives and other elements of the page are displayed.
  • Implemented Google AdSense in hopes of recovering some of our costs.
  • Made the Skype contact name a live link.
  • Modified the visual presentation of the site as a result of the layout changes and addition of the new page elements. These modifications were automatically done by Blogger. Sighted readers, please feel free to comment on our new look.
  • Added a poll asking for your vote on all these changes.

As always, your active participation is key. Please post a comment or send e-mail with your feedback on these changes and enhancements.