Hello Everyone,
Join us this evening for a special Friday night edition  of the Desert Cafe as we attempt to fill Jeff’s shoes while he slaves away at work. We’ll keep the tempo upbeat with a party atmosphere, so you all can bailar en la café!!!
The show can be heard on ACB Radio Interactive at 02:00 Universal time on Saturday, that’s Friday evening in the United States at 6:00 Pacific, 7:00 Mountain (and Arizona), 8:00 Central and 9:00 Eastern. Visit http://interactive.acbradio.org to listen.
See you tonight,
Karen and Darrell in the Desert Cafe on ACB Radio Interactive
Darrell Shandrow – Accessibility Evangelist
Information should be accessible to us without need of translation by another person.
Blind Access Journal blog and podcast: http://www.blindaccessjournal.com