Responding to a number of inquiries, we are pleased to announce that next
Tuesday, May 6, we will hold a "Town Meeting" to discuss some programming
ideas for our Tuesday evening sessions. We encourage all of you to seriously
consider participating in the discussion.

We are especially interested in finding quality presenters of topics useful
to those interested in all aspects of reading. For example, do you know a
leader in the book publishing industry, an active author you've met on a
book signing tour or exchanged correspondence, a university or community
college teacher who would share his/her expertise and knowledge of the books
generally or specific genre, a career coach in creative writing , a product
vendor of technology of special use and interest to Bookshare members and
volunteers, or other similar professionals that share our love of books? We
promise all your ideas will be seriously considered.

We will meet in the Friends of Bookshare Community Room at 5:30 p.m.
Pacific, 6:30 p.m. Mountain, 7:30 p.m. Central, and 8:30 p.m. Eastern. Just
point your browser to:

Then, enter your name, and tab to the Log In button. No password required.

Thanks much for your willingness to improve the Friends of Bookshare

Program Committee