On Friday afternoon, March 18, all food and water were withheld from Terri Schiavo. It is now Tuesday, March 22. Terri has had no food or water for almost five days! She is literally being dehydrated and starved to death! Point your web browser to www.helpterri.com and help save Terri Schiavo now! Let’s save Terri’s life and send a clear message that the American people are against euthanasia!

Thus far, we at Blind Access Journal have made a financial donation to the cause, and have contacted our Arizona Congressional representative, Arizona senators and Florida legislators asking them to act immediately to save Terri’s life! We urge you all to do likewise immediately as time is wasting. Terri is dehydrating and starving to death by the second while the government officials and politicians “think it over”! Act now to persuade them to
do the right thing immediately; ask them to reinsert that feeding tube and save Terri right now!

I sent the following letter to our Arizona legislators in the United States Senate and House of Representatives. Please, everyone, contact the politicians right now. Ask them to save Terri immediately!

March 22, 2005

Dear Senator McCain, Senator Kyl, and Representative Hayworth,

I am writing to ask you to do everything within your powers to save Terri
Schiavo’s life. I was born prematurely in August of 1973. The long list
of my disabilities included blindness, deafness, a heart murmer and a bone
deficiency. Doctors told my parents that I would never live a successful
life, that I wouldn’t even learn to sit up until age 5 or 6 and that they
should just give me up to an institution. Obviously, my parents did not
heed that poor advice. That’s why I am able to write you today. Though
I’m still blind, all my other disabilities have disappeared. Most
important, my hearing problems were successfully corrected at age 5! I am
now a successful information technology professional, accessibility
advocate and publisher of the Blind Access Journal found at
Who knows where I would be if my mom
had listened to the pesimists? I can say one thing for sure, it wouldn’t
be anything good.

Terri Schiavo is, indeed, severely disabled. She is minimally conscious.
Nevertheless, her parents and numerous doctors tell us that she does
respond to stimulation and that she even tries to talk from time to time.
Terri’s family wants to take over the care of their daughter from a
husband who has long since decided to move on with his life. Despite his
words, his deeds speak much louder. In addition to Terri, he has a common
law wife with two children! Please, don’t give Terri’s husband any
credibility in this matter. Terri didn’t tell us in writing what she
wanted to do in a circumstance such as that which she has faced for more
than 15 years. He clearly doesn’t care about Terri’s best interests.
Please don’t listen to him any longer.

The slow, painful government-sanctioned murder of Terri Schiavo will set
an extremely dangerous, public precedent for the treatment of people with
disabilities! We must not only save Terri’s life for her own sake, but
also set a precedent for doing the right thing, always voting in favor of
life rather than euthanasia! Please, please, I ask you to do everything
you can for Terri right now! Terri remains without food and water. She’s
suffering and dying right now! There’s no more time to “think about it”!
Please act now and encourage your Florida state legislative colleagues and
Governor Bush to do the right thing by saving Terri’s life and sending a
clear message against euthanasia!

I have just heard that the Senate and the House have agreed on language
for a bill to save Terri Schiavo’s life.
PLEASE, show bi-partisan support for this legislation, and vote to SAVE
Terri Schiavo from starvation. Thank you!


Darrell Shandrow