At approximately 5:00 in the evening on July 6, I wrote the following message to requesting assistance with registration as prompted next to the visual verification on their web site.
Please tell me how I can complete the registration process when I am unable to see the visual verification code? The link to e-mail you is appreciated,
but what happens now? Please advise.
It is now three weeks later on July 27, and I have yet to receive any assistance with the registration process! While a sighted person is permitted to register in five minutes or less, I am still waiting after three weeks. I’m just not sure how better to clearly illustrate the problems inherent in this type of accessibility solution. The “customer service” approach to the accessibility of visual verification represents the replacement of an automated process with a manual one requiring human intervention. It is clear that, in the vast majority of cases, this approach to the issue is little better than simply providing no accessibility at all. Service by a 24×7 customer support center is the only way this approach could ultimately be considered an acceptable solution.