88 is the amateur radio code for love and kisses. Karen and I chat about her birthday, the Bishops’ visit, the marriage proposal show, our wedding plans, my impending unemployment and more. Thanks, Tina, for the flute rendition of Happy Birthday greetings to Karen at the beginning of the show. Please, everyone, tell us your thoughts on our audio quality. We were using the Giant Squid omnidirectional stereo binaural microphones clipped to our shirts and connected to the Edirol R1.
That was a great podcast! I really enjoyed that one. The sound was really enjoyable as you could hear the sounds of outside in the backround, but they did not overshadow the speaking. The backround sounds were in stereo and your voices were one in each ear or at least that is the way my system rendered it. I imagine that was the way for everyone, but ya never know without some evidence of proof of that. It was very cool as it felt like I was there in a really awesome setting with the kind of conversation that can be enjoyed for hours really. There was some level of distortion in the sound, but nothing that really caused any problem or even got in the way.