In this approximately 37-minute show, Allison Hilliker and Darrell Shandrow demonstrate the NFB-NEWSLINE Mobile app, which opens the world of accessible magazines, newspapers and TV listings to blind people who use iOS devices.
NFB-Newsline provides more than 340 magazines and newspapers, as well as accessible TV listings, to eligible people with print-reading disabilities through a telephone-based speech-output reading system, Bookshare, an accessible website and, now, a fully VoiceOver-accessible app for iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch users.
If you would like to sign up, call your state’s talking book library, dial NFB-NEWSLINE directly at 1-866-504-7300 or visit the NFB-NEWSLINE website.
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If you use Twitter, let’s get connected! Please follow Allison (@AlliTalk) and Darrell (@darrell).