
Steve, Karen and I all participated in early voting. While Steve was afforded an accessible, secret ballot, Karen and I certainly were not. Listen to our podcast to hear what happened and learn how you may be able to avoid issues on Election Day. We thank Steve Holmes for taking some of his valuable time to share his accessible voting experience.

If you find that you are unable to cast your vote independently on Election Day, call the following telephone numbers right away:

  • Your local County Recorder’s office.
  • Your state’s Secretary of State’s office.
  • Election Protection Coalition at 1-866-687-8683.
  • Department of Justice at 1-800-253-3931.
  • NFB HAVA National Compliance Hotline at 877-632-1940.

As Americans, it is our patriotic duty and obligation to participate in the democratic process through voting. It is our expectation and hope that all Americans who read this blog and listen to this podcast will have cast an absentee vote, voted early or will vote on Election Day, November 7.

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