On Tuesday, I received a call to the comment line from Susan Kuchinskas of InternetNews.com. She asked me for an interview. Of course, I was more than happy to oblige. It is critical that we all do our absolute best to take full advantage of every possible opportunity to spread the word about accessibility. The result is a story entitled Is Google Shutting Out The Blind? It is quite refreshing to see that there are some journalists who really seem to “get it” with respect to the need for accessibility.
This story has brought out two important new developments with respect to Google’s inaccessible visual verification system. First, Google plans to resolve the issue in one to two months, providing an accessible alternative. Second, Google claims to have people working specifically on accessibility issues. Sadly, Marissa Mayer, Google’s Director of Consumer Products, indicated that this issue was not prioritized due to a lack of feedback. Check out Susan’s story for details.