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Scott Sigler’s Podcast Web Site Infected with Inaccessible CAPTCHA

May 29, 2006 • Darrell Shandrow Hilliker

I have just discovered that Scott Sigler now requires the passing of an inaccessible visual CAPTCHA in order to post comments to his Infection podcast. This disappointing move means that blind and visually impaired people are no longer allowed to fully participate in the exchange associated with his unique podcast novel experiments. Scott’s podcasts are associated with Adam Curry’s Podshow network. If Podshow provides the blogging platform and the inaccessible CAPTCHA that goes with it, then this “no blind people allowed sign” would represent yet one more area in which the company has not yet delivered on its public pledge of making accessibility a core part of the Podshow DNA going forward from last November’s Portable Media Expo and Podcasting Conference.

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Final Wedding Prep – T Minus One Week and Counting with Anticipation!

May 28, 2006 • Darrell Shandrow Hilliker


Karen survived the Infection! Yay! Is she the only one who will make it? Only Scott Sigler knows. Listen to the previous show for context on that issue. Just a short 30 minute update on our frantic wedding preparations, erands, packing, etc. Check out our Wedding Journal blog for more details mostly in text form. Check out some assorted pics of Karen in her wedding gown and us together outside our apartment. We’ll make sure to get these cleaned up with descriptions added. This link really isn’t intended to be prime time at all. Browse at your own risk…

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Web-Braille Has Returned to Life!

May 18, 2006 • Darrell Shandrow Hilliker

I am ecstatic to report that WebBraille has been returned to service! The following information has been provided by Judy Dixon, Consumer Relations Officer at NLS.

The Web-Braille site is now available! Access to Web-Braille was temporarily suspended because NLS became aware of copyright violations. NLS has taken several steps to prevent such problems in the future. Two are noted below.

Users will be required to accept an agreement describing the appropriate use of downloaded material each time a volume of Web-Braille is accessed. In addition, NLS has instituted a monitoring procedure to track all access to the Web-Braille system.

As these enhancements are refined, users may observe some web site behavior that may seem unusual. We very much appreciate your patience while the Web-Braille system is undergoing these necessary modifications.

Categories: Uncategorized

Legally blind woman battling a nightmare

May 18, 2006 • Darrell Shandrow Hilliker

Thirty-three-year-old Christine Workman could lose her house. She was simply kicked to the curb (thrown away like yesterday’s newspaper) by her employer due to her visual impairment. This article is just one of many examples that demonstrate all the reasons we must improve social attitudes regarding blindness, insist on the accessibility of critical technology and insure the enhancement and continued availability of the alternative transportation services we must have in order to participate in the world around us.

Article from Edmonton Sun, Canada on 5/18/2006
Submitted by BlindNews Mailing List
[BlindNews: News About Blindness]

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Does Karen Have The Infection?

May 17, 2006 • Darrell Shandrow Hilliker


Oh, wow! Look out! We’re back with another joint podcast! This time Karen and I chat for an hour and a half about an incredibly wide variety of topics. It is T minus 17 days and counting down to our wedding on June 3! Here are some links you definitely ought to think about checking out…

There’s a lot happening in our lives right about now, so it may be awhile before you all can get another fix of Karen and I podcasting together. Hope you enjoyed the show. Please feel free to send along feedback on this blog, by e-mail to editor (at) or by phone to our comment line at 206-350-6925.

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Visual Verification on Steroids: We the Blind May Soon Lose the Ability to Transact Business!

May 13, 2006 • Darrell Shandrow Hilliker

We think we’ve got problems with visual verification now? Watch out! In the future, those of us whom happen to be blind and visually impaired may find it virtually impossible to do business online. Credit cards may soon incorporate a visual display. The mineature screen will display a random number which must be entered in order to successfully complete transactions. Absolutely nothing is stated concerning alternatives for blind customers. Read the article entitled One Time Password DisplayCard heightens transaction security – Engadget and let us know your thoughts. This technology, without alternatives, surely represents a clear and present danger. Please provide any available information on what steps may be put in place to enable our continued ability to do business.

Categories: Uncategorized

The Google Word Verification Accessibility Petition is Now Officially Closed

May 13, 2006 • Darrell Shandrow Hilliker

In light of Google’s successful implementation of an audio alternative to word verification, the Google Word Verification Accessibility Petition has now been closed. Over 4,700 concerned blind and sighted Internet users signed this petition. We thank everyone for their support on this critical advocacy project. This petition was hosted free of charge by Petition Online. This excellent service deserves our support. Please consider making a donation to support the continued operation of Petition Online.

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