In light of Google’s successful implementation of an audio alternative to word verification, the Google Word Verification Accessibility Petition has now been closed. Over 4,700 concerned blind and sighted Internet users signed this petition. We thank everyone for their support on this critical advocacy project. This petition was hosted free of charge by Petition Online. This excellent service deserves our support. Please consider making a donation to support the continued operation of Petition Online.
Steve Jacobson of the NFB (and I’ve also heard this sentiment hinted at by Mike Freeman) suggest that the petition would have had no bearing on Google’s implementation of a captcha alternative. He credits the work that was done with Google directly for its reform, and states that efforts would have been more effective if the people signing the petition had written to google instead. How effective do you think petitions really are? While I recognize that they may not be taken seriously, I do think they are good for generating media coverage.
I have been informed by reliable sources in the know that this petition, inconjunction with inqueries by ACB, NFB and others, helped to open Google’s eyes to the need to take this accessibility issue seriously and ultimately create the audio CAPTCHA. Many attempts had been previously made to contact Google asking for the resolution of this issue. Only concerted, collective action made the ultimate difference.