As of today, LiveJournal has switched to ReCAPTCHA to protect their registration process. This visual verification system protects against spammers, allows access for the blind and visually impaired and helps with the optical character recognition of books. ReCAPTCHA provides a turnkey form of protection for web site operators who feel they can’t or don’t want to roll out their own accessible CAPTCHA solution, so we feel there is no excuse for any web site that continues not to offer at least an audio equivalent to meet our accessibility needs.
ReCaptcha is such a cool idea – but because they want to be “accessible to everyone,” (their words) the link to the audio alternative is not in the tab order. You can’t get to the audio alternative with the tab key – it is in JAWS link list.
Re-captcha sounds like a solution that will be able to satisfy everyone’s needs as much as possible. Is there a way to integrate this into a WordPress-powered site?
I disagree. The excuse to not use this captcha is, that it has very pore accessibility features. It isnt accessible by keyboard and it isnt scalable, especially for users with motoric and visual problems. The makers of this captcha should think about before promote with accessibility.
Although it isn’t in the tab order, ReCAPTCHA works fine for me from the keyboard using the JAWS, System Access or Window-Eyes screen readers. Only issue with this solution that I see as a real longer term show stopper is that, of course, it does not work for the deaf-blind.