We're working on finalizing the self-voicing GRE. We need some individuals
with low vision to try it out for usability. We have tried earlier
prototypes with individuals who rely exclusively on synthetic speech to
access the test. However, the test includes a visual display with
magnification and color options. We'd like to identify some individuals
with low vision who customarily use a combination of audio AND screen
magnification to access computer content. We're interested not only in the
visual display itself but in how well it works in combination with the
speech, since we anticipate some test takers who will use both.
Although participants will not receive scores, we'd prefer that they have at
least 2 years of college so that they'll be comfortable with the academic
content of a grad school admissions test.
It'd take about half a day, we anticipate. There is an honorarium. We'd
prefer to find at least one or 2 people able to travel to Princeton on a
weekday for this; of course we'd cover transportation costs. If that's not
possible, we will be able to send materials for a few participants to try on
their own computers. These participants will then debrief by phone, either
while they're trying the test or afterward. We'd like the tryouts to be in
late April if at all possible.
Anyone interested is invited to email me:
mailto:Rloew@ets.org Rloew@ets.org
Ruth C. Loew, Ph.D.
Assistant Director
Office of Disability Policy, ETS
phone: 609-683-2984
fax: 609-683-2220
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