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Voting for the 2008 Blind Bargains Access Awards is Underway With a Nice Surprise

January 18, 2009 • Darrell Shandrow Hilliker

J.J. and the gang at have done it again with their second annual Access Awards recognizing the accomplishments of individuals and organizations in the connected, online blind community. We are happily surprised to be nominated as a candidate for the “Best Blindness-related Blog” award. The Voting Round is now underway and open until 5:00 PM Eastern Time on January 25. It takes a great deal of encouragement, enthusiasm and passion to do the hard work necessary in order to advocate, create the podcasts and write the articles that make Blind Access Journal all it can be in the blind community. I appreciate the support of our fellow accessibility advocates and loyal readers over the years.

Categories: Uncategorized

Catch the First Desert Cafe Show of 2009!

January 5, 2009 • Darrell Shandrow Hilliker
Hello Everyone,
Darrell and I invite you all to our First  show of 2009.   It will be a wonderful evening in the cafe,lots of  great music  and good  food.  The entertainment  will lyrically inspire you,  give you hope for the New Year and  help you  feel more  connected to friends and  family.
 The  cafe will be  crowded so come early to  get a seat.  We will have your  favorite beverages.  Polor  bear and frosty will   return later but we will be here. So, pull up your favorite web browser, visit and tune in using your media player of choice.
Happy New Year,
Darrell and Karen Shandrow
The Desert Cafe
Categories: Uncategorized

Special New Year Edition of the Desert Cafe Coming Right Up

December 29, 2008 • Darrell Shandrow Hilliker
Hello Everyone,
Coming up at 02:00 UTC (6:00 PM Pacific, 7:00 PM Mountain, 8:00 PM Central and 9:00 PM Eastern) on ACB Radio Interactive, we bring you a special New Year edition of the Desert Cafe. Hear some New Year tunes, potentially interesting chat and more. So, visit and listen with your favorite media player.
Happy New Year,
Darrell and Karen
The Desert Cafe
Darrell Shandrow – Accessibility Evangelist
Information should be accessible to us without need of translation by another person.
Blind Access Journal blog and podcast:
Categories: Uncategorized

Desert Cafe Christmas Special and Brand New Slot on ACB Radio Interactive!

December 21, 2008 • Darrell Shandrow Hilliker
Hello Everyone,
Tomorrow come visit us, Polar Bear and Frosty, in the newly re-opened Desert Cafe. Join us Tomorrow (Monday) evening on ACB Radio Interactive from 6:00 to 8:00 Pacific, 7:00 to 9:00 Mountain, 8:00 to 10:00 Central or 9:00 to 11:00 Eastern time for our special Christmas show.  Our Doors will be open Every Tuesday from 2:00 to 4:00 UTC as we proudly settle into our brand new time slot.
Though there will  not be snow, there  may be mistletoe. :-) We definitely will have hot beverages and tasty treats and  Christmas  Tunes to entertain you in our special virtual cafe.  Perhaps you may want some    gingerbread coffee? Coco with whip cream? or   hot chocolate chip cookies right  out of the oven? We will  definitely have music for children  young and  old.  So, hope  to see  you all there.
The Desert Cafe may now be heard every Tuesday morning from 2:00 to 4:00 UTC by visiting and selecting your favorite media player to listen.
Merry Christmas to all, and to all many a great show,
Darrell and Karen Shandrow
The Desert Cafe on ACB Radio Interactive,
Where Your Listening Is Our Business
Categories: Uncategorized

The Desert Cafe Re-opens Tomorrow on ACB Radio Interactive

December 19, 2008 • Darrell Shandrow Hilliker
Hello Everyone,
We have reopened our doors and just in time for the Holidays.  WE have rennovated the place and  have created  some  new flavors and tasty treats for you all.  We will still have our traditional favorite beverages, sweets and music.      Our hours right now vary so please call or stop by and see the signs posted. We will be open  beginning  Tomorrow with some early Bird Christmas specials as we fill in for Naama, so there is a reason to stop by and start the season off with the right blend.
That’s right! Tomorrow, December 20, from 14:00 to 16:00 UTC (6:00 to 8:00 AM Pacific, 7:00 to 9:00 AM Mountain, 8:00 to 10:00 AM Central and 9:00 to 11:00 AM Eastern time), I’ll be covering Naama’s Breakfast in America, serving up the best in Christmas tunes from the re-opened Desert Cafe. The show may be heard on ACB Radio Interactive by visiting the following link:
All the best,
Darrell and Karen Shandrow
The Desert Cafe
Categories: Uncategorized

Demonstrating the Fully Portable Accessibility Command Center and Announcing Our Return to ACB Radio Interactive

December 19, 2008 • Darrell Shandrow Hilliker

We are proud to report that the Accessibility Command Center, the headquarters of Blind Access Journal, is now fully portable and capable anywhere a 3G cellular connection exists. The computer driving the show is the MSI Wind netbook, a highly functional, ultra-portable computer with a near-full-sized laptop keyboard, specialized 1.6 GHz Intel Atom processor, 2 GB of memory, 160 GB hard drive storage, a 10-inch screen and approximately five hours of battery life under full usage. The computer is connected to a Motorola Q9H cellular phone by way of a USB cable. Connectivity over the AT&T network is facilitated by PDANet, software that enables access to the Internet using a separate computer over a cellular phone using its existing wireless data plan. The 3G connection appears to be fast and reliable. As I write this post, I am listening to ACB Radio Interactive. While all this is happening, Mobile Geo is running successfully in the background, tracking satellites through the Bluetooth connected GPS receiver and announcing positions and points of interest.

Now that my first semester back in college has concluded successfully with two A’s and one B, you can count on increased activity here on the journal. In addition, Karen and I have returned to broadcasting on ACB Radio Interactive. Your first listening opportunity is tomorrow, Saturday, December 20, from 14:00 to 16:00 UTC (6:00 AM Pacific, 9:00 AM Eastern), as I cover for Naama’s Breakfast in America show. As many of you may expect, I will be playing the best in contemporary and traditional Christmas music.

Karen and I would also like to take this time to wish all of you who are loyal journal readers a Merry Christmas. We hope you are able to spend the holidays with your family and close friends. Karen has to work on Christmas Day, so the two of us will be celebrating on Wednesday.

Categories: Christmas

Window-Eyes 7.0: Releasing the Potential for Momentous Steps Forward in Accessibility for the Blind

September 22, 2008 • Darrell Shandrow Hilliker

Window-Eyes 7.0 has just been released by GW Micro, featuring advanced object-oriented scripting and other capabilities that have the potential to unleash greater accessibility of mainstream computer software to the blind and visually impaired. Doug Geoffray, Vice President of Development at GW Micro, Aaron Smith, GW Micro’s Director of Technical Support and Web Development and Jeff Bishop, a blind software developer with the University of Arizona and an expert Window-Eyes script developer, spent time talking with me about all the advancements found in this new major release of a leading screen reader.

A screen reader simply enables a blind person to use the applications and operating system on a computer without sight by converting on-screen text into a Braille or spoken format. Intelligent screen readers like Window-Eyes deliver information in a linear format, interpret the active window, read complex web pages and perform many other advanced functions. According to Geoffray, “Window-Eyes strives to fill the role of a sighted assistant for the blind computer user.” Geoffray goes on to further explain the workings of screen reading software. In graphical user interfaces such as Windows, a screen reader must acquire text before it is rendered by the operating system. The screen reader gathers graphics, text and other relevant information into a three dimensional database known as an off screen model (OSM). The reliability of the OSM is subject to factors including the display fonts in use and the video card drivers installed on the user’s system. Current screen readers enjoy additional accessibility beyond the OSM. Screen readers can “talk to” standard Windows (Win32) controls directly, without the need to scrape text out of the off-screen model. Applications may use the Component Object Model (COM) to expose their user interfaces to other Windows programs, including assistive technology. Further, specialized interfaces such as Microsoft Active Accessibility (MSAA), User Interface Automation (UI Automation) and iAccessible2 allow mainstream application developers to specifically ensure their applications are accessible to the assistive technology on which people with disabilities rely. Geoffray says that use of direct Win32 controls, COM, MSAA, UI Automation, iAccessible 2 and all similar techniques are always preferred to the off-screen model whenever they provide sufficient information to make a piece of software accessible. The OSM should be relied upon as a last resort when all other techniques fail. Window-Eyes 7.0 strives to take advantage of many of these advanced techniques to increase accessibility, especially through its object-oriented scripting approach.

Although scripting is, by far, the number one enhancement found in this latest Window-Eyes release, other new features are noteworthy in their own right. Geoffray tells us that Window-Eyes is now 100 percent Unicode compliant. This enables access to foreign language text, certain PDF documents not previously readable, Microsoft Word’s smart quoting feature and any other situation where use of special symbols is required. Intelligent place markers may now be defined on dynamic web pages delivering quick access to a specific area of the page based not only on its virtual line number, but also on the text at the cursor. A new Eloquence speech synthesizer, access to the Firefox 3.0 web browser, support for the public beta version of Internet Explorer 8.0 and improved stability round out some of the other important Window-Eyes 7.0 features.

The truly revolutionary feature in Window-Eyes 7.0 is its industry standard scripting support. It has been implemented in such a way as to permit development using any object oriented programming language. JScript and VBScript hosting is built directly into Window-Eyes. “Scripting can enable access to software with dynamic, visually rich user interfaces”, says Jeff Bishop, the creator of scripts for the Winamp media player. According to Geoffray, “Many companies want to hire blind people without remaking their applications to be more accessible. In some cases, the employer may not have full control over the manner in which their applications have been developed. Instead, they hire out for scripting. Someone is contracted to write and maintain the scripts as the software environment changes.” Window-Eyes provides the facility to make custom, proprietary applications accessible through the configuration of Set files and the creation of scripts. “Scripting in Window-Eyes was developed as an additional capability to complement tried and true core functionality,” says Bishop. “It has not been built as a core framework like it has in other products. Scripts should be used only when necessary. If Set files would work, those are the best approach. They are simpler and less resource intensive. Especially with rich software architectures, scripting can provide a nice user experience. There are a number of cases for work situations in dynamic environments where interfaces aren’t accessible. Window-Eyes now delivers the ability to develop scripts to handle these cases.”

The new scripting functionality benefits end users the most. GW Micro provides a web site called Script Central where the efforts of a number of script developers are shared freely with the entire Window-Eyes user community. The site enables discussion and rating of all scripts. A few examples are especially noteworthy. Jeff Bishop’s Winamp scripts significantly increase both accessibility and usability of that media player far beyond that available with any other screen reader. Jamal Mazrui’s Install Packages script provides a painless way for nontechnical users to install just about any Window-Eyes script in 30 seconds or less! GW Micro’s Weather or Not script uses the free Weather Underground service to report the conditions for any number of locations simply by pressing a keystroke! Geoffray hopes that a number of open source collaborative projects will make scripts for complex applications available freely via Script Central. He also hopes some developers will invest significant resources into writing scripts for Window-eyes, making demo versions of their work available on Script Central along with relevant contact information for purchasing fully functioning copies.

Some in the access technology industry have expressed concerns about the potential for the Window-Eyes scripting approach to expose users to Trojan horses, viruses and other forms of malware. Bishop reminds us that the Windows operating system has relied upon scripting for many years, and these concerns are exactly the same as those we must all apply across the board with mainstream software. GW Micro has made every practical effort to minimize risks. Window-Eyes complies with any system software restriction policies set by a company’s IT staff, can be easily configured to run only scripts signed by a trusted publisher and supports encryption of scripts. Bishop believes proprietary approaches such as the one employed in JAWS are not safer than the object oriented model used by Window-Eyes. “You can run commands on the system in JAWS scripts. If anyone wants to be malicious, they will do it with either JAWS or Window-Eyes. It is a matter of IT security and user awareness. The Internet is not always a safe place.”

The future for Window-Eyes is bright. Geoffray reminds us that the web is changing. Browse mode, the core Window-Eyes facility enabling us to easily read the contents of web pages, continues to work primarily with static web sites. Browse mode will be “gutted and opened up to new web technologies.” These will include dynamic Web 2.0 (AJAX) content such as that created in accordance with the Accessible Rich Internet Applications (ARIA) standard. Since Java is used in many workplace applications, GW Micro plans to implement the technology in such a way as to expose it to scripters.

We at Blind Access Journal are excited about Window-Eyes 7.0. Enhancements to web browsing, intelligent place markers, support for Firefox 3.0, full Unicode compliance and many other core features and bug fixes make this release worthy of serious consideration for current and new Window-Eyes owners. The implementation of fully industry standard object-oriented scripting support takes this release over the top! Any competent software developer can quickly create high quality scripts that increase the accessibility of applications or improve the efficiency of Window-Eyes users in the classroom, the workplace and beyond. In the tradition of GW Micro, Geoffray declares: “Whenever we do something, we do it right. We don’t use buzz words and marketing speak. Three months of public beta testing and much more private testing have gone into the development of Window-Eyes 7.0. Many weekend hours have been spent by GW Micro staff, especially near the final release.” Finally, as GW Micro’s lead script developer, Aaron Smith concludes: “We’re talking at least an entire year’s worth of pretty much constant development. That’s another thing that’s so cool about Window-Eyes scripting. It took a year, and is already on par with JAWS scripting that’s been around for, what, 15 years?”

Categories: scripting

Press Release: Window-Eyes 7.0 is Now Available

September 18, 2008 • Darrell Shandrow Hilliker

We at Blind Access Journal are excited about the release of Window-Eyes 7.0. In fact, we’re hard at work on an in-depth article covering this release. Please stay tuned.

GW Micro is proud to announce the official release of Window-Eyes 7.0. The maturity of Window-Eyes has reached unprecedented levels in this latest version.

The addition of scripting support provides users with the tools to enhance the accessibility and usability of third party applications, the operating system, and even Window-Eyes itself. GW Micro has always stood by the statement that Window-Eyes does not include complicated and proprietary scripting support, and that statement remains true with Window-Eyes 7.0. Instead, the addition of an industry standard scripting interface using tools that already exist in the Windows operating system allows users new to
scripting, seasoned programmers, and everyone in between to take full advantage of this powerful new feature without getting bogged down in a complex and rigid programming environment. Users not interested in creating scripts can still take advantage of scripts written by other users through an intuitive script management system. GW Micro is also proud to offer a centralized script repository where both script users and script developers can gather to distribute and discuss Window-Eyes scripts. Visit Script Central for more information.

Window-Eyes 7.0 contains several other features, including many Browse Mode enhancements, the inclusion of a new Eloquence synthesizer, support for both Firefox 3 and Internet Explorer 8, and overall increased speed and stability. Window-Eyes 7.0 is fully Unicode compliant, allowing for more localization options for virtually any language. In addition, Window-Eyes 7.0 is the first screen reader to provide support for iTunes 8, including access to the Apple iTunes store.

Thank you to everyone involved in the public beta cycle. Window-Eyes continues to lead the way in adaptive technology because of the dedication of our customers.

Window-Eyes 7.0 is a paid upgrade for existing Window-Eyes users. If you own Window-Eyes 6.1, you may purchase an upgrade to Window-Eyes 7.0 for $175, plus shipping. If you already own Window-Eyes 6.1, and have an active SMA, you will be receiving your Window-Eyes 7.0 CD in the mail soon. Please be patient; all Window-Eyes SMA CDs are our first priority. You may also choose to download your Window-Eyes 7.0 upgrade for immediate installation. To download the Window-Eyes 7.0 upgrade, to check the status of your SMA account, or to determine your upgrade eligibility, go to the Window-Eyes Help menu, and choose the Window-Eyes Upgrade option. Alternatively, you can visit the upgrades page, and follow the instructions. If you own a version of Window-Eyes older than 6.1, refer to the GW Micro Window-Eyes Upgrade Catalog page for applicable upgrade costs.

Window-Eyes 7.0 supports Windows 2000, Windows XP (32-bit versions of Home, Professional, and Media Center), Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista (all 32-bit versions), and Windows Server 2008 (all 32-bit versions). If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at 260-489-3671, or

Categories: Uncategorized

Thomas Jefferson: Founding Father of an Evolving Natione!

September 14, 2008 • Darrell Shandrow Hilliker

I made this post in my History (HST) 109 course discussion forum in response to the following class discussion question:

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.”

Ever seen these words before? Sure you have. They are from the Declaration of Independence and they were written by Thomas Jefferson. Did it ever strike you that these words about “all men” being created equal and having certain rights were written by one of the world’s largest slaveholders? How do we, as Americans, reconcile Jefferson’s words with Jefferson’s deeds? Is it just that TJ is cranking out political rhetoric to stoke a revolution that he hopes will preserve him from bankruptcy? Is he a racist who in using the phrase “all men” knows that his readers know he is excluding what he considers to be lower races (Native Americans, Blacks), or is he simply one of the premier hypocrites in American history? His putative sex life with a slave mistress would probably make even Bill Clinton blush. What’s your take on Jefferson? Which of the above categories does he fall into, or does he fit into “all of the above?” Why do we consider him such a great man?

In some ways, Thomas Jefferson was ahead of his time while in others he was not. On one hand, Thomas Jefferson was instrumental in the writing of the Declaration of Independence and the overall foundation of the United States of America. These developments served to synthesize the works of people like John Locke and Thomas Paine into a real, workable national republic ultimately leading to what we have today as our American society. It seems quite obvious that Thomas Jefferson helped to initiate an evolutionary process of moving toward equal human rights for everyone. It is quite likely he had no clue that his actions would bring out such momentus change in the world. We must take special care to avoid judging our Founding Fathers according to our modern world view.

In the late 18th Century and early 19th Century, during the time in which Thomas Jefferson lived, white males were the only people recognized as full citizens in Western Europe and the American colonies. The man was expected to do the work, own the property and care for his family in all respects. The woman was expected to stay in or near the home, bare and raise children and otherwise support the man’s goals. By and large, she was not expected or permitted to act as an independent individual. For example, American women did not gain such basic human rights as ownership of property and the right to vote until the late 1800’s and early 1900’s. Native Americans were simply swept aside as white men of European descent mercilessly conquered the New World. It has never been the tradition of any society to recognize the basic human rights of those they wish to subjugate for their own purposes. The rights of African Americans were not considered based on the simple explanation that they were usually bought and sold as property in most of America. Finally, people with disabilities were viewed as being crippled and, thus, incomplete. Their individual needs and desires were never accommodated or considered. Such people were often sheltered by their families, forced to depend on meager charity or outright killed as a means of relieving a burden from the community. In all ways, prior to the late 19th Century, women, minorities and people with disabilities all had one thing in common: they were viewed as less than a complete person by the dominant white male society. further, no laws existed as a means of changing society’s attitude or protecting these groups against persecution.

In most respects, Thomas Jefferson was simply a product of his time. As a farmer and property owner, he was a part of the accepted dominant class of American society. Should we be surprised that he owned slaves? Of course not! Many of his contemporaries also owned numerous slaves. Few white males entertained the possibility that ownership of another human being might be wrong, and the opinions of those from other groups were simply not considered. Should we be shocked when we learn that Jefferson was promiscuous and unfaithful? Absolutely not! Remember, white males dominated. Anytime someone dominates, they hold all the cards. What power did Martha have in the relationship? How would we propose she was going to stop her husband from messing around and having children with other women? He could certainly divorce her if he became unhappy, while it was quite unlikely she would have been able to initiate her own divorce.

Ultimately, we see that the initial intent of the Declaration of Independence was simply freedom from British domination. The rights to “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” applied only to white males in the dominant class of American society. Women, African-Americans, the “Indians”, people with disabilities, and all others were deemed less than full citizens and, thus, not entitled to the same guarantees provided by early American doctrines such as the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. While the Declaration of Independence signifies the beginnings of the United States, the Constitution is the document that gives real staying power to the new nation. It is quite fortunate, however, that our Constitution provides mechanisms permitting the United States to evolve toward a “more perfect union.” The Judiciary interprets the Constitution while the legislative branch can amend the actual Constitution! It is only through these amendment and legislative processes that the slaves were ultimately freed, women were finally granted the right to vote and people with disabilities are finally starting to have a real chance at participating as full American citizens! We can credit Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, Benjamin Franklin and the rest of our Founding Fathers for demonstrating the foresight necessary to establish a nation with underlying principles that allow it to evolve away from dominance by one small class of men and toward full inclusion for all its citizens!

Categories: human rights, opinion

New Internet Radio Station, The Ride, Serves the Blind Community and Beyond

September 7, 2008 • Darrell Shandrow Hilliker

Deb and Rick Lewis, former broadcasters on ACB Radio, have just started a new Internet radio station called The Ride featuring the return of their Christian, country and oldies radio shows to the air. They are looking to expand by adding more shows in the future.
The new station remains quite accessible while operating under a licensing arrangement more friendly to broadcasters. The first show, Rick’s Oldies and More, is currently broadcasting live from 2:00 to 6:00 PM Pacific time. We are excited about this development as well as the quick return of Deb and Rick to the Internet radio scene.

Categories: broadcasting