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Set Message Priority and Request Read Receipt in Outlook Express

May 11, 2007 • Darrell Shandrow Hilliker

Karen has asked me several times to teach her how to set the priority and request a read receipt for outgoing messages in Outlook Express. Setting the priority tells the recipient that you deem the contents of your message as being of low, normal or high importance. Requesting a “read receipt” is an attempt to determine whether or not the intended recipient has actually opened and read your message. The recipient may choose whether or not to acknowledge receipt of your message. The ability to do this can sometimes be helpful when dealing with advocacy situations where e-mail communications are involved. It seemed like these features might be sufficiently significant to warrant a tech tip here on the journal, so I hope some of you find these instructions helpful. This procedure is not screen reader specific.

Follow these steps to compose a new message, set its priority to “high” and request that the recipient acknowledge receipt:

  1. Run Outlook Express as usual.
  2. Press CTRL+N to compose a new message.
  3. Complete the “To”, “CC”, “BCC” and “Subject” fields as you normally would when sending e-mail.
  4. Write the text of your message.
  5. Press Alt+M to pull down the Message menu.
  6. Press p to open the Set Priority submenu.
  7. Press h to check the “High” option. You may, instead, press l to choose “Low” or n to choose “Normal” priority. Normal is the default.
  8. Press Alt+T to pull down the Tools menu.
  9. Press t to check “Request Read Receipt”.
  10. Press Alt+S or CTRL+Enter to send the message with high urgency and a request that the recipient acknowledge receipt of your communication.

Categories: tips

Showing Internet Explorer 7.0 How to Get Along with VIP Conduit

May 6, 2007 • Darrell Shandrow Hilliker

Are you having trouble accessing the chat rooms at using Internet Explorer 7.0? Are you seeing various browser security related messages? Even though you know you have downloaded and installed the latest version of the VIP Communicator, is the client showing you strange error messages and unceremoniously closing? The solution is to add to Internet Explorer’s “Trusted sites” zone and reduce the security of that zone. Here’s how to get that done:

  1. Open Internet Explorer 7 as usual.
  2. Press alt+t to pull down the Tools menu.
  3. Press o to select Options.
  4. Press Control+Tab to move to the Security page.
  5. Press tab to “select a web content zone”.
  6. Press right arrow until you reach “Trusted sites”.
  7. Press tab twice to move to the “security level” field.
  8. Press the End key to set the security level to “0 percent” which allows trusted sites to download, install and run most content without prompts.
  9. Press shift+tab to move to the “Sites” button, then press the space bar.
  10. If you are not already there, press shift+tab to move to the “Add this website to the zone” field.
  11. Press tab to select the Add button and press the space bar.
  12. Tab to the “Close” button and press the space bar.
  13. Tab to the OK button and press enter to dismiss the dialogue box and return to the browser window. You have now added to the list of web sites that are implicitly trusted by your browser.

You can repeat this procedure for any sites you wish to use without running into frequent security related prompts displayed by means of Internet Explorer’s new info bar. Exercise extreme caution when adding a site to those trusted by Internet Explorer. It would be a very good idea for you to implicitly trust the authors of the web site before even thinking about asking your browser to do the same.

Categories: security, tips