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Sendero LookAround GPS iPhone App Demonstration

October 12, 2010 • Darrell Shandrow Hilliker


I demonstrated Sendero’s brand-new LookAround GPS application for the iPhone on Jeff Bishop’s Sept. 17 Desert Skies show. It was also heard on ACB Radio’s Main Menu program. I thought it would be nice to share this sound-seeing demo with those of you who may have missed the previous listening opportunities.

Since the recording of this demonstration, Sendero has submitted version 1.1 of LookAround to Apple for approval and posting on the iTunes Store. This update may have fixed some of the concerns that came up in this recording. Stay tuned to Sendero’s LookAround page for the latest information on this app as it becomes available.

Download and Listen – Sendero LookAround iPhone App Demo

Categories: iPhone, podcast, reviews, travel

Walking with Mobile Geo 1.5 Part 1

March 7, 2009 • Darrell Shandrow Hilliker

By popular demand, Karen and I are once again exploring the possibility of returning to podcasting. In this new episode, we take a short Saturday afternoon walk while I experiment with the new Mobile Geo 1.5 accessible GPS solution developed by Code Factory and Sendero Group. We hope you enjoy this sound seeing adventure. As always, your feedback and active participation is appreciated.

Correction: Though Mobile Geo relies on technology licensed from Sendero, the product is developed and sold by Code Factory. I make several references in the podcast to the need for Sendero to fix certain problems. That may or may not be entirely factual, depending on the technical nature of the issue. It is the case, however, that Code Factory is the first line of attack on any concerns having to do with the Mobile Geo product. I apologize for my unintentional misrepresentation of fact in this podcast episode.

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Categories: podcast, sound seeing

Online with Caroline Interview

March 16, 2008 • Darrell Shandrow Hilliker


I chat with Caroline Congdon about her brand new Online with Caroline podcast. Everyone is invited to subscribe to the feed using their favorite RSS reader, or visit her LiveJournal blog to manually download the newest episodes as they are released and enjoy other content not posted as part of the podcast. The first episode was released last night, delivering instructions on the addition of new search providers in Internet Explorer 7.0. This is definitely a show you will not want to miss.

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Categories: podcast

Visual Verification: J.C. Hutchins of the 7th Son Podcast Steps Up to the Plate

September 16, 2007 • Darrell Shandrow Hilliker

Last night, I began listening to J.C. Hutchins’ 7th Son podcast novel. Though not perfect, the Apple hosted web platform on which the site is hosted is mostly accessible enough to allow participation by blind listeners. Right now, however, there is one unfortunate exception. Features such as the ability to post comments are protected by a visual CAPTCHA that does not deliver a reasonable accomodation that would afford blind and visually impaired people the ability to participate.

In Need a hand, re: CAPTCHA compliance, J.C. Hutchins promises to contact Apple concerning this issue. I will be quite interested to know their response, if any, on this matter. I also thank J.C. for his prompt willingness to take this bull by the horns and work toward a resolution. Of course, the podcast is a great listen! It is full of clones, conspiracies, memory duplication and other similar themes I enjoy reading about in science fiction novels.

Audio Promos Now Available for the Yahoo! Accessibility Improvement Petition

July 29, 2007 • Darrell Shandrow Hilliker

Thanks to Steve Bauer of ACB Radio fame, the following audio promos for the Yahoo! Accessibility Improvement Petition are now available for podcasts, streaming Internet broadcasts and all other audio programs where running public service announcements may be appropriate:

Once again, we thank Steve Bauer (The Jazz Man) for his hard work on these excellent promos!

Serotek Remote Incident Manager Demo 1

May 6, 2007 • Darrell Shandrow Hilliker


As promised, Karen and I conducted a simple demonstration of the capabilities of Serotek’s Remote Incident Manager which promises to revolutionize remote accessibility for the blind and open up many more doors to employment. Please keep in mind that we received no prior training from Serotek. Nevertheless, we successfully carried off this first demonstration of the technology. This may be seen as a testament to the practicality and simplicity of this solution.

Download and Listen

Categories: podcast, Serotek

Retinal Detachment

February 17, 2007 • Darrell Shandrow Hilliker

Hey everyone. We know it has been quite some time since we’ve done a podcast. So, here’s show #129. We were having dinner at Outback in celebration of Karen’s upcoming birthday and chatting about what’s new. As the title suggests, I learned that I have a detached retina in addition to all my other eye related issues. A cornea transplant combined with retinal surgery is scheduled for Feb. 26!

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Categories: podcast